I believe if you want to hammer oil companies for high gas prices, your assigning blame in the wrong place. I have two reasons for this belief.
1) The laws of supply and demand determine gas prices more than any other single factor. Between little weenie environmentalists that lobby congressmen and those who listen to these Earth-muffin morons, our government has restricted supply by not drilling for resources in any location percieved to be 'animal-humping' grounds or endangered wildlife areas. These same environmentalists have made it more difficult to build refining facilities, further bottlenecking our supply into vulnerable coastal areas like hurricane magents Louisiana Mississippi, and coastal Texas.
2) The government is taking more than their fair share. California State taxes cost us about $.32 a gallon, while Federal taxes tack on another $.184 per gallon. That's $.504 a gallon. Some sources have put this total closer to $58.6 a gallon in taxes. Worse yet, is there is some pin-head proposing to make gas taxes $1.00 a gallon.
Now think about this- if the State and Federal gas taxes are suppose to go to our highways, WHY then is California floating tens of billions of dollars in bonds in order to pay for highway improvement and expansion?
Every time I fill up, I am taxed $17.64- I usually fill up about once a week, sometimes more. Annually this adds up to more than $900.00
I cannot protest this taxation, as I cannot create my own fuel or find a location to fuel up that is not regulated by some taxing authority.
And in order to pay less taxes, I have to drive less, drive a smaller more fuel efficient vehicle, or not drive at all.
Since it isnt reasonable to stop driving- Im faced with the choice of being robbed... or robbed less. At the same time, Im getting dinged to pay for road improvements (that will likely occur in metropolitan areas I will never drive.) that should have been paid for with gas taxes.
I dont however, blame the oil companies.