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Local Activist Speaks Out Against US Loan Auditors

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  • Originally posted by wantmy$back
    My "Fraud Investigator" was Ty Williams
    I have also spoken with "fraud Investigator" Eric Caldwell
    Also dealt with Laura Soutar she claims she runs both companies she is only out ranked by the owners.
    What ever happened to these people?


    • Originally posted by friend
      What ever happened to these people?
      The agents will not be punished. The principals of the company are still going through prosecutions by the attorney generals office, as well as the department of Real Estate, and the State bar. It could take several years. There have been a few disbarred lawyers already. Barker, pulvino, and Sandison are getting the greatest scrutiny, as it should be.


      • US Loan Auditors

        I found some interesting information recently. One of the owners of My US Legal/Loan Auditors has a new company. James Sandison is still in business by a different name. Check out : They also have another owner Letitia Brazier. I do believe she was also a part of US Legal/Auditors. I was also informed that Jonathan Stein paid the State Bar money in order to keep his Bar License. Has there been any other activity that I may have missed?


        • Agents?

          When you speak of Agents...who are they? Are they the Salesman? the Office Staff? the Contract Lawyers? I believe the actual owners of this company should be held responsible, not the people I listed above.


          • An update on this effort:

            In regards to the Attorney General's case against USLA, Shane Barker, Jeff Pulvino, and James Sandison, et al; they have entered into a stipulated judgement whereby each individual must pay fines and restitution to the AG's office, and they all have permanent injunctions prohibiting many business activities they had or were suspected or accused of. Permanent as in forever. They all must also notify the AG's office about any companies they form or businesses they are engaged in for the next five years.
            All the defendants have filed personal bankruptcies, as well as the companies. This BK is unlikely to absolve them of the fines and restitutions as agreed to by the stipulated judgement.

            In another case, a class action brought by one or more plaintiff's in Sacramento. A class was certified and judgement agreed upon which demands that each affected customer of USLA be paid 2600.00 out of any funds available from any insurance or other bonding that the companies or the individuals who operated it. This judgement is subject to the whims of the bankruptcy court though, ans they now have final say over distribution of any funds that are realized from the liquidation of USLA and the individual owner/operators

            I wish everyone affected the best. This was another hard lesson for everyone about the nature of our business environment out there. Protect yourself by doing the research before you engage in any contracts. If you don't, you can expect long, drawn out, and often less than satisfactory recompense from the cheaters that prey upon the ignorance and trust of the American/California consumer.

            Those who worked hard to uncover facts and evidence, as well as engaged in the effort to expose this company and those associated with it are to be commended. I know it isn't much coming from a small outfit like Fight Back In Sac, but it's a sure bet you won't be hearing it from the DA here, or the California Attorney General's office, so this may be all you get, aside from the personal satisfaction of seeing the terrible trio in this ring of deception fall from grace, and into personal financial meltdown themselves. Take a copy of the permanent injunction and mail it to those bastards who caused you this pain, or better yet, tack a copy of it out front of whatever business they operate now with a bow and ribbon like a christmas gift

            Merry Christmas all,

            Davi Rodrigues
            AKA AyatollahGondola
            Fight Back in Sac

