AME - The Automatic Media Embeder 1.2.0 Automatically embeds media URLs with posts (Google, youtube and other media sites)
Atakan Marquee Text Scrolling Marquee
Cyb - Advanced Forum Rules - Will take you to the forum rules before you can post..
DownloadsII A Download Database - Will allow us to upload files, pics, vids ect for users to download
DownloadsII Create Thread Automatically Create a Thread when a file is uploaded - See forum Download Manager - Mod will post there when a file is uploaded and moves thru the moderation que
VB Media Center This is a complet media center to play mp3, flv, mov, mpg and more
vbArticles Article Publishing System
Viper's YouTube & Google Video A one-click solution to allowing your forum's users to embed YouTube and Google Video hosted videos into your forum.
And more that I will not post here.. It is for those curious to poke around and find
If you find any not here, post here and I will let you know if you are correct