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An essay by Drumsme7

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  • An essay by Drumsme7

    Drumsme7 gave permission to share his essay. I thought it was too good not to share. He tells it like it is like it should be

    Originally Posted by Drumsme7

    I'll say this, LGH's video of the police surrender is truly frightening

    One of the most powerful & revealing images I've seen in a long time was the higher up officer speaking from his car mic & telling American citizens they can't enter the park while the Mexican flag flys behind him

    Stunning, shocking & a harbinger of our future

    This protest just may be the most important protest yet, in the fact that we all saw without a doubt what our future holds if we don't slay this dragon

    And as far as black Americans not trusting whites or getting some satisfaction seeing this country invaded, as Ted says, they "gotta wake up"

    The anti-invasion groups in this country are simply citizens concerned for their country & it's people, of all colors & creeds. We're not the elite. We don't have money. We're mostly working class people who've never taken advantage of anyone. We didn't enslave anyone. We don't look down our noses at anyone

    We're just people who want to live in & raise our families in a law abiding society that's fair & equitable to everyone

    As Ted & I discussed when he was at my home, this cause could be the one thing that unites & brings together the black & white communities. This could be the one issue that truly makes all of us understand we're all in this together & we need to stand with each other. That we can live in peace & take care of each other

    Aren't black Americans tired of being lied to? Aren't they tired of being used as political pawns in order for other groups to gain more power?

    The Democrats have been using them for decades to advance their agenda. The so called black "leaders" have been using them to garner more power while doing nothing for them. And now the open borders cabal are using them to advance an agenda that will ultimately destroy them

    The time is now for black Americans to quit being scared to speak up. White people have been neutered into silence by political correctness. Am I to believe blacks have been as well?

    No, I don't believe this. But they have been silenced by intimidation, that comes from their own "leaders"

    What has Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton really done for black Americans, besides filling their own pockets?

    These same "leaders" march with the illegals

    Our enemies our black Americans enemies too. They want us & them out of the picture

    As PD said, she trusts Ted & I do too. After getting to know Ted & speaking with him at length, I saw a man of wisdom & great strength. There is nothing phony about Mr. Hayes. He understands that we're all in this together & truly cares about this country & all of her people

    The way to heal our strife & our so called differences is to unite under a common cause. And if there ever was a common cause for black & white Americans, this is it

    And think about this, if there was ever a man that should be pissed off, it's Ted

    Many of you haven't heard this story, but when I was getting a motel room for Ted near my house, he experienced outright & blatant racism

    When my wife & I were asking about prices at motels near me, we were assured at one motel that they had rooms, plenty of rooms, so it didn't matter when we came back, there would be rooms available

    That's what they said to us, a white couple, by the Middle Eastern owner or manager

    Then, when Ted arrived & I drove him over, all of a sudden there were no rooms available. There were only two cars in the lot & we knew there were rooms open, but the owner/manager took one look at Ted & told us no rooms

    I started arguing with him & Ted just said "forget it, he doesn't want to give me a room"

    I was stunned & disgusted. The hurt I felt for Ted must have been nothing compared to what he was feeling. To think that this great American was discriminated against by anyone in this country, much less some Indian who obviously hasn't been in this country long was sickening

    I still cannot forget that scene. It hurt me deeply

    But my point is Ted simply shrugged it off & went about the issue at hand

    THAT my friends is a true leader, & THAT is the way we must all approach this. That motel owner/manager can be dealt with at a later date. The issue at hand is too imprtant to be sidetracked

    No matter what you think of Mr. Hayes & his othr issues, he's a man of great character & wisdom & he's fighting for this country
    "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life".
    -John F. Kennedy