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United Auto Workers to Rally at State Capitol

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  • United Auto Workers to Rally at State Capitol

    From the "better-late-than-never file"......

    Start Date: 10/20/2009 End Date: 10/20/2009
    Permit#: 2009-0605 Status: Approved
    Organization: United Auto Workers
    Activity: Rally to save jobs Activity Items: signs, tents, bullhorn(TURNED AWAY
    Location: north steps Participants 200
    Setup Time: 11:00 AM Start 12:00 PM End 2 :00 PM
    Contact: Ron Lopez

  • #2
    I didn't know this:

    UAW Local 2865 is the Union representing over 12,000 Academic Student Employees (ASEs) -- Readers, Tutors, TAs, and others -- at the 9 teaching campuses of the University of California.
    As they are for all employees, wages, benefits, workload, grievance procedures, and fair hiring processes are important issues of concern. The Union gives us the ability to bargain with UC on these and other issues, allowing us to have a real say in our lives as student employees. Read more about our current contract which was ratified in October 2007.
    Academic student employees
    gain a voice at work

    Is teaching a real job?

    Of course it is. But for years, administrators at some of the nation's top colleges and universities have tried to argue that teaching assistants, research assistants and other academic employees are not really workers, simply because they are also enrolled as graduate students.

    At the University of California, for example, academic student employees fought for 17 years to gain union recognition. They had to lobby for changes in state law, and the UAW backed them every step of the way.

    "A lot of unions would have walked away after the first year or two, but not the UAW," says Wei-Min Brian Chiu, a teaching assistant at the University of California, and a member of UAW Local 2865. "When we needed help, they were there for us. That really made a difference."

    With a new law in place, a majority of 10,000 academic student employees on eight UC campuses voted to join the UAW. "We can really see the difference," says Chiu. "Before we organized, different people in different departments tried to change working conditions, but they were unsuccessful. As individuals, we really didn't have as much power as we do now, since we formed our own union."

    In addition to standing up for the rights of public sector academic workers, the UAW also won a landmark ruling for workers at private sector colleges and universities. The National Labor Relations Board ruled in April 2000 that New York University teaching and research assistants have a right to join a union.

    In January 2002, NYU workers won a historic first contract. "This contract is amazing," said Elina Gorfinkel, a teaching assistant in the NYU Cinema Studies Department and a member of the UAW Local 2110 bargaining committee that negotiated the agreement. "We got major wage increases, 100 percent health care coverage and real improvements in our working conditions."
    The labor union representing workers in auto, aircraft and agricultural implement manufacturing and other industries in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico.


    • #3
      I'm not sure what the members of these individual UAW locals do.

      Some Unions represent other occupations as well as the occupation stated in their titles.

      United Auto Workers In California

      *» UAW - BERKELEY, California, Local 2165*» UAW - CANOGA PARK, California, Local 887*» UAW - CHATSWORTH, California, Local 1519*» UAW - FREMONT, California, Local 2244*» UAW - FREMONT, California, Region 6*» UAW - LA MIRADA, California, Local 6645*» UAW - LAKEWOOD, California, Local 148*» UAW - LANCASTER, California, Local 887*» UAW - LONG BEACH, California, Local 805*» UAW - NORTH HOLLYWOOD, California, Local 179*» UAW - PARAMOUNT, California, Local 887*» UAW - PARAMOUNT, California, Aerospace Organizers*» UAW - PICO RIVERA, California, Local 509*» UAW - REDDING, California, Retired Workers Council*» UAW - SACRAMENTO, California, Regional 6*» UAW - San Diego, California, Local 506*» UAW - SOUTH GATE, California, Labor Employment*» UAW - VISALIA, California, Local 1797


      • #4
        Local 2244 UAW Rally to “Save Our Jobs” Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 at the State Capital Building in Sacramento

        [UAW Local 2244 represents workers who manufacture automobiles, with one plant in Fremont owned by Toyota (NUMMI). It might be a joint ownership with GM. I'd have to watch the video again or do more looking around to be sure.]

        Your support is needed for the upcoming Rally to “Save Our Jobs” on Tuesday, October 20th, 2009. The Rally is being held at the State Capital Building in Sacramento Calif. Charter buses will leave the union hall and the Tracy area at 9:30 am sharp and return by 4:30 pm.

        This Rally is to urge state elected officials to identify federal assistance to sustain the plant’s operations, to pass bill # SB483 and AB393. These two bills were introduced on September 11, 2009 by Corbett and Torrico to keep NUMMI open. It is crucial to our livelihood that the California State Legislature passes these two bills now!

        You can support Rally #3 by scheduling a vacation day well in advance to attend. Remember, it is vital that UAW local 2244 members stay visible in the community as well as in the State. Neither California nor our nation can afford to add the NUMMI workers to the ranks of the unemployed. Lets send a message loud and clear,

 “Save Our Jobs”.

        Sergio U. Santos
UAW Local 2244 President
        “We Won’t Go Without a Fight” 

        Seats are available on first come basis; reserve your seat by
        calling the union hall at*(510) 657-0800. *Box lunches will be provided.
        Last edited by ilbegone; 10-11-2009, 10:26 AM.

