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Stop Internet Lynchings of Activists

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  • Stop Internet Lynchings of Activists

    Internet persecutions of activists within the patriot groups are an innapropriate substitution for due process and justice. This video decries the recurring character assasination email campaigns against persons within patriot groups, and solicits for a better way

    [ame=""]YouTube - A funny thing happened on the way to the forum[/ame]

  • #2
    My fellow American Activists In The Immigration Law Enforcement Movement

    Don't believe the declarations and statements made by Chelene Nightingale without a presentation of the facts in defense. I have solicited to those of you in the movement to judge for yourself via a simple American trial as opposed to reading a biased, single-sided commentary from either side. Anyone can make up stories and pronounce them as fact on the internet. To believe them would be to cast aside several years of experience that our movement has suffered at the hands of the mainstream media. We do not need another year of us acting as they do. We know how to arrive at the truth; Our forefathers cast the constitutional mold for us to replicate for generations to come. It's simple. The process was used in crude form by smaller communities than our own for over two hundred years. We can trust our forefathers wisdom, or we can revert to small fiefdoms, dictatorships, or similarly structured banana republic methods of arriving at the truth.
    To allow Ms Nightingale the power of personal decree based up on her tenure or reputation is to consign yourself to her personal service. I could have made many counter claims in response to her statements, proclamations, and accusations, however after observing years of email and internet postings between, and about various other figureheads within the immigration activist arena, I have come to believe that it is the personal combat that these people enjoy as opposed to any actual resolution of the initial offenses. This is why I offered to place myself before you, as defendant to her charges, and stand trial by a jury of my fellow activists. We can do this. We can act as our own government. We can organize and conduct our own affairs. To do so is to actually grasp the reins of your community existence. To turn away from it is to delegate control to the same type of governance that has kept our movement in the throes of disarray and mistrust for over three years. I urge you to take on this simple task and set the wheels of our movement back upon the tracks of self reliance and towards a future that includes true American constitutional traditions

    Davi Rodrigues


    • #3
      I would like to be on that committee or oversight panel.
      Victim of Chelene Nightingale's internet despotism


      • #4
        Mr Schwilk, god bless his patriot work, has succumbed to his own handiwork. These internet and email campaigns are a double edged sword for the movement. Especially so when you fall into a habit of using or believing them without fact, proof, or legal basis. For those not in the know, Mr Schwilk, Chelene Nightingale, and a few other lesser players have been instrumental in organizing email and website campaigns against many people who are active in either side the immigration debate. The problem with using tactics like these, even if it is meant to help our side, is evident here. The Jury rules against you and from then on, you have an uphill battle with credibility.

        Jury finds activist defamed opposition activist

        North County jury on Thursday said the North County-based leader of the San Diego Minutemen should pay $135,000 in compensatory damages to a woman who sued him for defamation for his alleged role in posting obscene references to her online and in e-mails.

        The same jurors will be back in court Tuesday to decide if anti-illegal immigration activist Jeff Schwilk should also be ordered to pay punitive damages to the woman, Joanne Yoon, who in 2006, worked as a camerawoman with organizations that monitored rallies at day-labor sites.

        The jury found that Yoon was defamed in e-mails and on a Web site where she was referred to in vulgar terms. They also found that Schwilk had aided and abetted a second anti-immigration activist, Ray Carney, in the publishing of those statements.

        Attorney Daniel Gilleon, who is representing Yoon, said the court entered a default against Carney, who did not file a response to Yoon's complaint.

        Attorney Howard Kaloogian, whose firm is representing Schwilk, said his client would appeal the jury's verdict.

        "The jury did not apply the proper New York Times standard for defamation involving a public figure like Joanne Yoon," Kaloogian said.

        In civil trials such as this one, it only takes a vote of nine of the 12 jurors to reach a verdict. The jurors did not disclose the final tally numbers to the court.

        Contact staff writer Teri Figueroa at 760-740-5442.


        • #5
          For those not familiar, here is a thread in the very public portion of's website that Chelene Nightingale posted:

          Attention SOS patriots, Davi Rodriguez aka AyatollahGondola is no longer the Save Our State Northern California Director. In addition A.G. has been suspended from the forum for one month for creating divide, drama, and instigating in-fighting. Not only is this something SOS nor the movement needs at anytime, but especially right now during a crucial amnesty battle, May Day marches, a flu pandemic, amendment issues, socialism, etc..... Now is the time we should all be working together for the sake of our country.

          Unfortunately anyone including opposition, La Raza, and the SPLC can view this very public video which incites dissension within our movement. It is quite disturbing that a valued, trusted patriot would go to such lengths especially during this crucial time in America. Shocking really.

          Without creating more dissension, I can assure you that the video content is very misleading. For starters, it was Davi who sent the first email to me and Jeff Schwilk, the SoCal Coalition leader. The subject line was rather confusing as instead of a subject, there were lists of email addresses including MMP leaders. (For the sake of unity and protection of our movement, both the SoCal Coalition and a National Coalition have banned MMP from our groups. The ban was especially essential amongst the leadership.)

          Jeff and I were confused, so I simply called to ask Davi about the email. Unfortunately Davi never answered a very simple question, instead he screamed in my ear that he was fine before SOS and would be fine without SOS. I hung up in the middle of his screaming. He was NOT being called to be persecuted, only called out of confusion and to simply remind him of the MMP ban.

          He called back and left me an awful message, which I have saved, that basically said I should do the whole movement a favor and leave. (For the record, I ALWAYS worked very well with Davi and gave him pretty much free leadership reign here at SOS as I backed off to do other projects. I valued Davi.)

          Due to Davi's actions and reactions I emailed Joe Turner, the owner of SOS, and Jeff Schwilk. There was NO Internet lynching. It was a PRIVATE leadership matter ONLY. Davi was not being banned from SOS, however his actions and reactions were cause for concern and needed to be addressed. I emailed my concerns and thoughts and Davi emailed back to us that he demanded a jury of his peers. Jeff Schwilk emailed back that we had no time for this and simply just needed to know if he agreed with the coalition or not. Unfortunately Davi finally wrote back that he was not with the coalition, Jeff, me, Joe Turner, or Save Our State. Jeff emailed back, thank you nothing personal, we accept your resignation.

          Joe and I spoke over the weekend about this matter as well. Again, this was a PRIVATE leadership/coalition matter. There were no other SOS members involved. Joe is the final decision maker here at SOS.

          Several people over the last few days have asked Davi to just take down his video, unfortunately he has refused. Therefore SOS regrets that at this time since Davi would rather instigate drama and infighting, that this breaks SOS rules.

          Unfortunately I was forced to post here due to the numerous phone calls, emails, and pms on the subject. Silence is consent and neither SOS nor the coalition is in consent of dissension.

          This will be a closed thread as we have no time to focus on drama...we have too much to lose in America right now. We just wanted everyone to be informed and encourage everyone to move on and focus on the real battle...the Battle for our Republic.

          Our SoCal Coalitions is very strong and let's keep it that way!

          SoCal Patriot Coalition (26)


          California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR)
          Save Our State
          San Diego Minutemen
          Border Patrol Auxiliary
          Minuteman Corps of California
          Central Coast Minutemen (MCDC)
          Tecate Border Volunteers
          Latino Americans for Immigration Reform (LAIR)
          Stop Taxing Us
          Taxpayer Revolution Committee
          Stop SPP (Security & Prosperity Partnership)
          FIRE Coalition
          Antelope Valley Minutemen
          Los Angeles Minutemen
          Desert Cities Minutemen
          Ted Hayes’ Group
          San Diego Citizens Brigade
          Oceanside Watch League (OWL)
          Escondido Minuteman Brigade
          San Diego Christians for Secure Borders
          Carlsbad Citizens Brigade
          Encinitas Citizens Brigade
          You Don’t Speak for Me, San Diego (Hispanics against illegal immigration)
          Gun Rights Committee, San Diego
          We the People, San Diego
          Jamiel’s Law

          · Coalition Coordinator: Jeff Schwilk, [email protected]

          Davi posted the following video on the very public youtube:
          In response to this, I'd like to point out that my original email to both Chelene Nightingale, Jeff Schwilk, and NCIR was an effort to point out that several of the MMP recipients were actually on our mass email list that she was encouraging me to send a release from; That was why it was in the subject line of the mail, and not in a CC or even BCC of the mail. Ms Nightingale obviously noticed this by referencing her statement in the above quote:

          The subject line was rather confusing as instead of a subject, there were lists of email addresses including MMP leaders. (For the sake of unity and protection of our movement, both the SoCal Coalition and a National Coalition have banned MMP from our groups. The ban was especially essential amongst the leadership.)
          The next event was the phone call from her, and because we don't have any way of proving one way or another what was said, I would like to dispute just some of it. One being that anyone who has ever spent time with Ms Nightingale on the phone would know that getting a word in edgewise in a conversation is pretty difficult on a good day, and much worse when she goes on the attack, and that when you are being denigrated in addition to that, is it inconceivable that someone would resort to yelling to make them shut the hell up and listen for a change?
          The other thing is that the second phone call was not so terrible as portrayed, and if saved it as she stated would pretty much prove I did not ever say she should do everyone a favor and leave the movement. I did say she needed to take some time off.

          The next event though, and I'm not sure when it was in relation to my phone call, was the email she sent out to others in the movement:

          C Nightingale to you, Jeff Schwilk, Joseph Turner, ncir - Apr 21
          Jeff, as you can see Davi, the NorCal rep from Save Our State still sends key information to the MMP. I hope his working with Robin does not hurt Save Our State's membership in the Coalition. As you know Jeff I have worked really hard to help expose Gilchrist and his MMP. Now I can see how it is that Jim continues to do so well when key members of SOS help his organization.

          I just called to Davi to confront him on this very key issue and he ended up screaming at me on the phone...I hung up.

          Davi, I am more than disappointed with your know very well there is a MMP was posted on Save Our State even. This is just a huge stab in the back.

          Joe, you really need to come back and clean up Save Our State BEFORE you let it go. Your absence created a huge hole. And even inside "leaders" of SOS were not on the same page. The SoCal Coalition and the National Coalition agreed on a BAN of the MMP. It looks really bad when a "leader" of SOS goes against the coalition and helps give the MMP information.

          It is really a huge slap in the face when a team leader betrays the org they represent.

          *Davi's defense is that Robin is part of the "movement"...the coalitions decided that ALL of Jim's MMP were on the same page as Jim, thus NOT part of our movement. I have shared this with Davi before today.

          Just yesterday even I shared with the members Jim's latest rant on SOS, yet today a SOS "leader" continues to work with Jim's group.

          God Forgive America,
          Chelene Nightingale
          Now here's where I took issue. You'd have to be a total idiot to assume that my original email was actually sent to the MMP since those addresses were in the subject line as opposed to the email lines. I do not think that Ms Nightingale is a total idiot. I do believe she likes to issue dramatic charges to inflame and incite people's emotions, as that has been her habit on the immigration issue over the years. I do believe Ms Nightingale easily slips into this mode, and did so over this event. I also believe that once engaged in this manner, she cannot back down, right or wrong, as it is not in her character. I rely on her history as a reference for my claim.
          Now given the relative ease that she slid into attack mode, and the many exaggerations, embellishments, and outright lies that I believe she told to others in that email, others to follow, and the posting she made on the forum about this event, I no longer trust anything she says, has said in the past, or will say in the future. And this includes anything she ever told me in confidence. I have no other choice than to discount her as a witness, informant, informational source, reference, or credible person.
          With the above stated, I now am backtracking to the point of discounting everything that I have ever been led to believe by her statements about others in the movement, whether that be Jim Gilchrist, Sam Zisslman, Robin Hvidston, Derek Manning, Sandy, or any other of the countless persons that have been villianized or idolized by her in the past, present or future. This is what happens when you shoot your own credibility during an assassination of others.


          • #6
            I wish that we could all get along enough in the anti illegal immigration movement to actually do some good at the political level.

            I find Chelene beseeching Joe to come back and clean up SOS a hollow plea. When Joe ran things, SOS could field a rally just about any time. Under Chelene's stewardship, SOS has been reduced to the point that it is barely functioning as a message board more concerned at the top with international conspiracy theories than illegal immigration. When a church had a large congregation but three years later all that's left are the occupants of the front "Amen" pew, a couple of deacons, and the organ player, one has to ask "what happened"?

            And if the answer given by the "new" pastor, who took over the congregation three years before, involves government infiltrators, moles, trouble makers, people who are mental, and underhanded returnees from mass banishment who dispense "drama", I believe the problem is self evident.
            Last edited by Coso Kid; 06-03-2009, 06:32 AM.


            • #7
              Well both Chelene and Yvonne tried to lynch me on a post I made about the wonderful successes in the Sac area. She immediately preceded to attack me as an agent of you know who, not mentioning his name or his website. She immediately broke all rules of protocol that she expects everyone else to follow, and I called her on it.

              She continued to bring up copies of PM's I sent to others in the organization because I sent it as a warning of her future behaviors. Chelene did not disappoint me one bit.

              Once she realized that her "scare tactic" of having the PM's did not scare me one bit, because their isn't anything in them, they quickly deleted the whole post. Now more evidence of the conspiracy screamers, of which Yvonne followed in tune, has magically disappeared.

              I got news for them, they are not the judges of patriotism and sanity, and I laugh when they make such claims. The idea that they make such claims is totally elitist, and that's how they are running the SOS website.
              Last edited by Dawes; 06-04-2009, 09:20 PM.
              Victim of Chelene Nightingale's internet despotism


              • #8
                PM's? What PM's?....
                Do you mean that Chelene is reading other posters personal messages and discussing them on the forum?


                • #9
                  I was set upon too.

                  I am not a clone. I will state what I believe to be true, and I got the cold shoulder from the inner circle. Then, one day, I must have hit a nerve with a sincere question concerning the decline of save our state. Some from the inner circle swarmed me with accusatory posts, then Chelene came storming into the board like Godzilla rampaging through Tokyo and ripped on me with all sorts of lunacy, it was quite the paranoid rant. I replied that time is short, we have to look at some reality here. Then the screen came up which informed me I was being banned as a troll. I'm not sure if the lynching was a premeditated set up, or it just happened that way with inner circle mob action and someone called Chelene on the phone to come in and apply the ax.

                  That performance which Chelene put on in that last post was sheer lunatic hysteria, in which she accused me of all sorts of things, such as being several of the many she has driven off in the past, and much, much more. I went back later to see what happened after I was terminated and found that the whole thread along with Cheline's insane, rambling rant had disappeared.

                  The paranoia was astounding.

                  The accusations and and rebuttle:

                  1) Government Infiltrator

                  If there is a government infiltrator in SOS, his role would be a devout church goer, and he could quote scripture forwards and backwards. He would have a gun collection, and would be an excellent shot. He would be well versed with survivalism. And, he would give Chelene the very best New World Order orgasm she ever had, and he would continue to do so on a regular basis just short of the point of threatening her megalomania.

                  I am reminded of the ATF agents who infiltrated the Mongols MC by taking a lie detector test with a pistol at the back of their heads.

                  Or the fact that Pablo Escobar tortured and killed nearly everyone in his inner circle as suspected informants until there was almost no one left, and Escobar died not ever knowing that all the information the CIA gathered on him was entirely by electronic means. The FBI has a program which monitors the web to the point that there are no secrets in web communication (sort of like the moderator peeking in on "private" messaging), and a warrant is not necessary to listen in on cell phone communication.

                  2) I am only one person, and I fail to see how I could be several greatly different, distinct people all at once whom Chelene had run off before.

                  3) The Mecha mole. Like the government infiltrator, the mole won't be disagreeing with the inner circle about religion or bigoted statements which might not sound so good to the general public. And I bet he would already have personal information about each and every one of them, their likes and dislikes, their employment or lack of, who their neighbors are, their children and all the rest. They would be prepared.

                  4) Mental? There are all kinds of ways of being mental, including megalomania.

                  5) Trouble maker? (Enter the Scoobie Doo "ruuuuh???" sound effect.) Only if you are troubled by fact.

                  There was something of a prediction of what would happen to SOS by Indymedia about the time Joe was handing the reins over to Chelene. One of the quotes went something like "The SOS rank and file are about to get burned", and described Joe's calculated demeanor as opposed to Chelene's hysterical approach. That can be found on a web search for "Chelene Nightengale".
                  Last edited by Coso Kid; 06-05-2009, 08:29 AM.


                  • #10
                    Chelene was always seeing ghosts of the previously banned. It's ok to suspect it and talk about whether it is or isn't them, but to push buttons on mere speculation does little but slim down your own ranks of possibly good foot soldiers. Keep it up long enough and the only way you'll get new conscripts is to stand out side the bars at closing time with a club and shackles.
                    It's a bit suspicious that keeping the dead from telling their tales becomes so very crucial as to place at risk, the fruits of your efforts at attracting volunteers


                    • #11
                      Here is something from Chelene that you would never hear from Joe:

                      "However I have grown quite accustomed to personal bashing and malicious defamation and betrayal in this movement. I have read more lies and rumors about me than in my entire life. Either out of their own insecure egos or they are moles! Plain and simple."

                      The statement speaks for itself.

                      From the "Horses mouth" thread by 3ironhead3. Think she will delete it?
                      Last edited by Coso Kid; 06-05-2009, 09:26 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Coso Kid
                        Here is something from Chelene that you would never hear from Joe:

                        "However I have grown quite accustomed to personal bashing and malicious defamation and betrayal in this movement. I have read more lies and rumors about me than in my entire life. Either out of their own insecure egos or they are moles! Plain and simple."

                        The statement speaks for itself.

                        From the "Horses mouth" thread by 3ironhead3. Think she will delete it?
                        that whole Randy Dees thread that she placed up there was another among several that caused people to ask "what the hell?" I was getting emails and personal messages from members asking why the hell all the secrecy, and "why should we send money if there were no explanation?", and "if we couldn't talk about it, why did she even post the thread and then close it?"
                        I always hated those threads.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                          that whole Randy Dees thread that she placed up there was another among several that caused people to ask "what the hell?" I was getting emails and personal messages from members asking why the hell all the secrecy, and "why should we send money if there were no explanation?", and "if we couldn't talk about it, why did she even post the thread and then close it?"
                          I always hated those threads.
                          Ya, that was a big joke.



                          • #14
                            One last observation:

                            In the "Protest Mexico" thread over at SOS, Spilzz1 (who hasn't been around for a long time) asked something like "What happened to the SOS of old? Where is the in your face attitude?" with some "blah blah blah"s and "same old stuff" thrown in.

                            Jeanfromfillmore replied (as my recollection and to the effect of) that a lot of the old (hardcore members) were indeed not active, that SOS is working on building up to begin anew.

                            Spilzz1 countered "You banned Border Raven and Ayatollah, why don't You ban Me too?" There was also a reference to his avatar suggesting that "they" could could just "shut the F*** up."

                            The first Spilzz1 comment stayed, the second one was deleted from the thread after Chelene returned from an absence from the board, Spilzz1 wasn't banned.

                            Once again, the problem at SOS isn't the membership nor many of those who were banished - the problem has to do with Chelene and the work she does to hide her managerial incompetence. As the old saying goes, busier than a cat covering crap.

                            There are good people over at SOS, they are people to be worked in towards a common goal. However, I believe that as long as Chelene is skippering the ship, SOS will remain stuck on the sandbar of her own making. She ruined a good thing.
                            Last edited by Coso Kid; 06-13-2009, 09:42 AM.


                            • #15
                              I have no idea what SOS stands for anymore. I mean, the members still seem to want to use it for illegal immigration, however Chelene keeps tilting it towards one or another causes that are only somewhat connected. There's also been this slide towards religious preference and support of political candidacy that appear to me as being in violation of the non-profit status of the org. To me, it kept us heading towards cult status and alienating members who did not subscribe to her sometimes extreme interpretations of events or information.

