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Stop Internet Lynchings of Activists

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  • #91
    Well, I believe in holding grudges. It's part of my whole "get even" philosophy, and I'm doing it till the end

    Certainly have nothing to hold against you though Lassie. Thanks for your support during the sign trailer campaigns.


    • #92
      Last edited by sandinator; 07-06-2009, 10:53 PM. Reason: mistake


      • #93
        Remember, grudge (aka revenge) is the poison we take while trying to kill our enemies.

        Consider it a badge of honor, Mr. AG.

        Sandi, it's too late......I am already grown. (haha)


        • #94
          Banned again...

          Wanted to show you all just how quickly the internet assassin squad reacts to people who have a mind of their own. I was Banned from ALIPAC a few minutes ago by William Gheen for daring to reply to his email with my thoughts about his recent campaign against Glenn Spencer. Here is the exchange:

          -----Original Message-----
          > From: ALIPAC <[email protected]>
          > To: [email protected]
          > Sent: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 10:25 am
          > Subject: ALIPAC Issues National Advisory on Glenn Spencer's American Patrol
          > ALIPAC
          > ALIPAC Issues Advisory on Glenn Spencer and American Patrol
          > < mHW22EUPFJET2YzrvIR_Qmp2J62CcYp4N94sVevxT_4lk1Ub5X ZP6emLJ52PHRMCVa2RCgqOzwhtlHEdEJb-seYdpgzHOoBLli-82XfwM7hRVeTIJ>
          > Both Glenn Spencer of American Patrol and Jim Gilchrist of Minuteman
          > Project assisted accused murderer Shawna Forde before and after the
          > alleged crimes despite numerous warnings from other groups and leaders
          > and evidence that Forde was unstable and potentially violent.

          [email protected] wrote:
          > That's ridiculous. Glenn Spencer is a hero to many of us in this
          > movement. He's got a decade on you over your involvement in this
          > movement, and a proven track record of patriotism, dedication and
          > devotion to this nation. The evidence you are presenting is innuendo and
          > speculation, which by the way, is the same way La Raza uses to link you
          > to racism. I suggest you reconsider this trumped up charge and
          > re-examine the methods you have used to reach it.


          You are in political bed with Jim Gilchrist which tells me you are not
          of the level of character we expect around our operations. You are no
          longer welcome at ALIPAC. The fact that you support those that
          supported Shawna before and after these murders says a lot about you.
          I've ready your hostile and attacking comments about me online.

          You can kiss my ass and you can stay the hell off of the ALIPAC website.

          You stay curled up with the vipers you associate with and don't waste
          your useless opinions on me because you are not someone that anyone in
          this movement should listen to.

          You and your screen name AyatollahGondola are permanently banned from
          ALIPAC for being fully in league with Jim Gilchrist and from our
          experience only very weak minded people with severe problems continue to
          associate with Jim Gilchrist.

          Goodbye Davi.
          So there you have it. It's William's Law, Chelene's law, and Schwilk's law now.
          And these three are protectors of our country?


          • #95
            Last edited by sandinator; 07-06-2009, 10:33 PM. Reason: lost the faith


            • #96
              I don't know what's gotten into these people,

              You're not allowed a different opinion on subjects; you're not allowed to talk to certain people; I think we've gone beyond Kool-aid, and entered the locked compound


              • #97
                Last edited by sandinator; 07-06-2009, 10:34 PM. Reason: asleep at the wheel during the bickering


                • #98
                  Oh to be a fly on the wall. Hello Everybody. Ya, I'm here.


                  • #99
                    Dude, are you attempting to give me a run for my money? I really thought that getting tossed off message boards was a skill I had recently honed to razor-sharp precision, but I can see you're gaining on me fast.

                    We still have a good deal of hard work to do, however, until we can hope to approach the unparalleled skill and mastery of CalifNative. He has added new dimension to the meaning of the term pariah and has set the standard to which all who truly wish to be repeatedly jettisoned, must aspire.

                    You stay curled up with the vipers you associate with and don't waste
                    your useless opinions on me because you are not someone that anyone in
                    this movement should listen to.

                    Hmmmm. I think I've just been called a viper. Hey, I give him points for originality. It has a sort of crisper ring to it than the usual accusations of racism I endure from our open borders friends.

                    For whatever value this may have to you, you have the admiration and respect of this viper, and including this board, I can think of at least two that you have no chance of getting the heave-ho from ;^)
                    Last edited by; 07-03-2009, 12:18 AM.


                    • Sam...Dude....

                      DUDE...Whazzup? Cool. Bitchen. You be trolling the net? Surfin' the screen? Cool. Dude. For sure.

                      You're amped on some ankle busters...DUDE.

                      Grow up. You're starting to act like some stupid stalker going from website to website complaining about CANative. Good Gawd, buddy. YOU'RE one of the hyenas who virtually dogpiled the man on NMI and you ADMIT you were ashamed of yourself. So, DUDE (never met an attorney that said "DUDE"), leave him the hell alone before he gets an attorney that DOESN'T say DUDE every thirty seconds.

                      Dude. Bail out, bro. Dude.

                      Liberty Belle.


                      • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
                        Last edited by sandinator; 07-06-2009, 10:32 PM. Reason: to stay out of the bicker fest


                        • Originally posted by liberty belle
                          DUDE...Whazzup? Cool. Bitchen. You be trolling the net? Surfin' the screen? Cool. Dude. For sure.

                          You're amped on some ankle busters...DUDE.

                          Grow up. You're starting to act like some stupid stalker going from website to website complaining about CANative. Good Gawd, buddy. YOU'RE one of the hyenas who virtually dogpiled the man on NMI and you ADMIT you were ashamed of yourself. So, DUDE (never met an attorney that said "DUDE"), leave him the hell alone before he gets an attorney that DOESN'T say DUDE every thirty seconds.

                          Dude. Bail out, bro. Dude.

                          Liberty Belle.
                          Wow, where did you learn to attack like that. We aren't the enemy. That is a lesson so many need to learn.


                          • Originally posted by sandinator
                            Oh deary dear, what have we here?

                            It's Tony (CalifNative). He's royally pissed off with me.

                            Reader's Digest Version Explanation:

                            I posted a video on the MM website. He got on the thread and launched into an unrelated speech about the ills of NMI and SOS. I told him to shut up and stop hijacking my thread. Tony did not want to shut up and accused me of being a Nightingale/Slater bootkisser and puppet. He tried to lock me off the board but the guy who apparently runs the board contacted me, undid Tony's handiwork, apologized for Tony's behavior, and asked me to keep posting my videos. That infuriated Tony even more, hence ...


                            • We're bound to have this within the movement,

                              We're all only human, and far from perfect. I'm thinking that we'll just have to learn how to live with the noisy neighbors. I've seen people mad at each other, then get over it. And then I've seen the long term feuds. I say, so what....You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.
                              The way I see it, I can manage a small feud, and still apply the near best of myself to controlling my government.


                              • the rules of the forum are posted. we arent totalitarian so we wont react to every trangression. posters can defend themselves as long as it doesnt become a total disruption to the forum or the topic. if a poster is only here to attack someone or some practice they have to keep it within the topic and within acceptable decorum. repetitious negative and generally distractive posters will be warned, and if they continue will get restricted to posting in the pergatory section only for certain lengnths of time. in purgatory posters who are not stuck there dont have to read what you post unless they want to go there

