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Stop Internet Lynchings of Activists

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  • Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
    Who was this? Turner?


    • Here is the whole quote from the comment section at

      Here's my input on this,

      Just to clear up the very last posting, I don't think very highly of Chelene Nightingale at all, but that part about her leaving her husband and shacking up with two dudes is based upon innuendo, and not really truth or fact. Brook Young has dropped out of the movement, but then again, so have many others. At the point of their leaving, they become has beens. That's the way it works in news media. You are only as good as the last deed you performed. When you rest upon the laurels of yesteryear, you expect legend to carry your water from then on. I think our movement has placed too much faith in self annointed leadership and too little faith in our own potentials. I'm not saying we shouldn't respect those who contributed heavily, but we need to stop looking for messiahs and start acting individually. Being our own messiahs so-to-speak.
      Jim had his moments...big ones too. As did Joe Turner, Simcox, and many others. The problem is, they stopped doing whatever it was that propelled them to the forefront. Therein lies the message to them: We liked the original deeds.
      Our movement is suffering from the malaise of forward motion because we place too much hope, faith, and trust in specific individuals. We should get back to placing our faith in the righteousnous of our cause, and then more and new leaders or icons will emerge. If we keep hashing out the personalities of has-beens we will sink into the swamp of despair and remain bogged down forever.

      Posted by: AyatollahGondola at May 25, 2009 11:58 AM


      • Ha! You tricked me...

        I'm sure I must have plagurized that from someone else. True that we are bogged down by the weight of old has beens, but they keep being forced upon us over and over again. I guess someone wants to finish the job


        • Didn't mean to catch you like that.

          It seems like almost everyone hates almost everyone else, and there seems to be a lot "I can't hang around you if you hang around them".

          Then there's a whole bunch of embarrassing stuff which has evolved into a public spectacle... Navarette and others have had a field day kicking in literary ribs after the movement knocked itself down. All those people scrambling to disassociate themselves from the "others".

          What's true and what's total bullshit? It's hard in many cases to tell from the periphery, and what's not confused is spun on the outside by pro-illegal detractors.

          However, I believe that the quote you claim to have plagerized rings true.


          • I don't think everyone hates everyone else,

            I do think many of us have stopped taking everyone at face value as they pertain to the movement. I also think that we within the movement are a cut above other media because we allow dissent and candid discussion over issues. I don't see it all as personal attacks. As long as we keep moving somehow it's better than nothing. We're still here...the ones who were dedicated.


            • A couple of thoughts I'd like to bring out...

              I'm not going to judge anyone on my yardstick of what activism may or not be.

              Some years ago, I was involved with a cause which employed public demonstration as part of the tactics. It was very frustrating, because the people I was representing were pretty brave down the street with a few beers in them, but it was generally expected that I would take care of their problems for them. Not a lot of them had the balls to stand up for themselves, thinking they would be singled out for retribution. Of course, one could imagine the situation that put me in. I had a lot of problems that I blamed on that situation for a few years, and probably wouldn't have had if I weren't involved.

              However, I do believe I did some good for that cause. And, I haven't been involved with it for years.
              Besides, my life is no longer twisted by hatred of people I viewed as my enemies and worn down by those who didn't help much but benefited by my activities.

              I believe that a website with forums is primarily for organizing and getting the message out. I also believe that the public doers will always be a significant fraction of complainers and talkers.

              However, there will be some good information brought out by the talkers, the trick is to avoid rants and misinformation which will tarnish or misrepresent the aim of the organization.

              As well, there will some who do quietly things to help the cause but cannot do so in a publicly identifiable way – there are several reasons for that. I see the problem with castigating people who might not be the paragon of militant activism is that when their personal situation changes they may be there to help when it's least expected. Organizational accomplishment has never been helped by personal attacks over what worthless slugs someone may be to a cause. The saying goes that a lot more flies can be caught with honey than vinegar.

              However, the idea of “what a wonderful gig we could have if you personally did half as much as you expect others to do” shouldn't be neglected.

              It's just a personal “for what it's worth”, and I'm not judging anyone.


              • While I CAN'T do EVERYTHING, I CAN do SOMETHING and WHATEVER it is that I CAN do, I WILL!


                • Originally posted by ilbegone
                  A couple of thoughts I'd like to bring out...

                  I'm not going to judge anyone on my yardstick of what activism may or not be.

                  Some years ago, I was involved with a cause which employed public demonstration as part of the tactics. It was very frustrating, because the people I was representing were pretty brave down the street with a few beers in them, but it was generally expected that I would take care of their problems for them. Not a lot of them had the balls to stand up for themselves, thinking they would be singled out for retribution. Of course, one could imagine the situation that put me in. I had a lot of problems that I blamed on that situation for a few years, and probably wouldn't have had if I weren't involved.

                  However, I do believe I did some good for that cause. And, I haven't been involved with it for years.
                  Besides, my life is no longer twisted by hatred of people I viewed as my enemies and worn down by those who didn't help much but benefited by my activities.

                  I believe that a website with forums is primarily for organizing and getting the message out. I also believe that the public doers will always be a significant fraction of complainers and talkers.

                  However, there will be some good information brought out by the talkers, the trick is to avoid rants and misinformation which will tarnish or misrepresent the aim of the organization.

                  As well, there will some who do quietly things to help the cause but cannot do so in a publicly identifiable way – there are several reasons for that. I see the problem with castigating people who might not be the paragon of militant activism is that when their personal situation changes they may be there to help when it's least expected. Organizational accomplishment has never been helped by personal attacks over what worthless slugs someone may be to a cause. The saying goes that a lot more flies can be caught with honey than vinegar.

                  However, the idea of “what a wonderful gig we could have if you personally did half as much as you expect others to do” shouldn't be neglected.

                  It's just a personal “for what it's worth”, and I'm not judging anyone.
                  I think we are on the same page primarily. I don't know who is doing what unless they either say so, or we read about it somewhere. I liked to keep the door open when I was at SOS, and I practice that here religiously. I may be opinionated, but I always need someone else to listen to it or it doesn't exist...right?
                  The other thing is we are all actually worthless slugs to the cause because we haven't won by our actions or contributions yet. I'm a worthless slug aspiring to be a pesty snail

                  Besides, my life is no longer twisted by hatred of people I viewed as my enemies and worn down by those who didn't help much but benefited by my activities.
                  You just need a personal trainer to get you back in fighting shape again. For a small fee I can revive that hateful, vengeful bitterness that is probably going to waste on your couch at home.


                  • Originally posted by AyatollahGondola

                    You just need a personal trainer to get you back in fighting shape again. For a small fee I can revive that hateful, vengeful bitterness that is probably going to waste on your couch at home.
                    Does the small fee include bankrolling another divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure, half a decade I still don't understand, and a few years of itinerant existence?


                    • Originally posted by ilbegone
                      Does the small fee include bankrolling another divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure, half a decade I still don't understand, and a few years of itinerant existence?
                      Hell no. That's part of the training that you'll be paying me for


                      • Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                        Hell no. That's part of the training that you'll be paying me for
                        Already paid those dues.


                        • Originally posted by ilbegone
                          Already paid those dues.
                          It's like any other muscle. If you want to be a miserable bastard, you have to do the right things to stay in shape.


                          • Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                            It's like any other muscle. If you want to be a miserable bastard, you have to do the right things to stay in shape.
                            Miserable bastard indeed. I understand the concept well.

                            Some people aren't happy unless they are miserable.


                            • As the old saying goes, "misery LOVES company!"


                              • Greetings Fellow Former Save Our State Members,

                                I'm going to make several announcements over the next few weeks in regards to Joe Turner's Save Our State. I will start a second thread about this because it will center around some other issues and topics, but because many of you have been following this thread in relation to the Save Our State organization, I thought it best to begin here.

                                First announcement is, Joseph Turner let the Save Our State corporation get suspended by the California Secretary of State which administers corporations in California. In order to keep a California corporation active, it's chairpersons, directors, or president must make yearly filings. These were not done, and in fact were long overdue.

                                With the corporation in suspension, I applied for, and received Save Our State. My name is now the name on record of control of the Corporation Save Our State. You may view the current and future documents as we progress in relation to this here:

                                Save Our State will be operated in a legitimate manner from this point forward. All legal filings will be made in a timely manner, and those required to be made publicly available for review will also be done in a timely manner.

                                Save Our State will choose officers, a governing board, and an advisory board to the corporation as required by law, and operated in an above board manner from this point forward.

                                The second portion of the Save Our State Corporation is the Charitable 501c3 status. I have researched the filings that Joe Turner either has, or has not made in relation to the charitable status of the organization, and thus far the California Attorney General's office has been unable to find where Joe Turner had complied with any filings necessary to enable him to call Save Our State a charitable corporation in California.
                                I am continuing my research into this matter, as I believe it is important to disclose to those people who donated or were swayed by a stated charitable status to volunteer goods or services, that those efforts, goods, or services were given to a legitimate charitable corporation.
                                At this time, I am making filings to properly obtain Save Our State's charitable status as a 501c3 Charitable corporation from both the federal, and state government. Once again, you will be able to follow our progress on the link provided above. At this time, we are not soliciting donations.

                                The Attorney General's office has a link for anyone to guide them when giving to a charity:

                                As you may know, the website is still operating under who-knows-who's direction. In addition, the Save Our website continues to advertise they are a Charitable California 501c3 corporation, and are soliciting donations. We do not know who is the beneficiary of those solicitations. At present we are contacting the representatives listed to notify them they are infringing upon Save Our State's corporate entity.

                                Again, there will be more on this as we progress. We are continuing our investigation into the past operations of Save Our State, its' corporate officers, and its managing director in an effort to clear the respectable members, or disclose any improprieties. We hope to restore a once proud and recognized name in the immigration law enforcement movement in California, and regain the trust of those who have been active in that regard.


                                Davi Anthony Rodrigues
                                Save Our State
                                [email protected]

