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  • Emails From Jeff Scwhilk

    Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 1525 -0700
    From: Jeff Schwilk <[email protected]>

    I'll bet your ears were ringing all day Saturday from our 450 Patriots at our Boulevard Party. I never realized how widely you guys are all hated in Southern California! Gilly and his MMP inner circle are hated even more than La Raza by EVERYONE! Its a good thing Gilly didn't show up - they would have used him as a piƱata for all the kids. The Nacho Ramos boys would have probably busted him to pieces in seconds!

    Ciao boys and girls.

    Jeff Schwilk, Founder

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Editorial on Jim Gilchrist's Connection to Shawna Forde Murders Today
    Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 1223 -0700
    From: Jeff Schwilk <[email protected]>


    BTW, don't worry about me. The jury got confused by the LAW on weblink forwarding. The U.S. Constitution and ALL U.S. case law 100% protects forwarding of links by email. Ray Carney is liable for his website, not me. I had nothing to do with it. The verdict will be overturned soon. No victories for La Raza except against MMP. Good riddance to this embarrassing band of idiots. America will not miss Jim Gilchrist. I think most people feel sorry for him. PTSD is a serious condition that needs constant medical treatment.

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Re: Gilchrist-Eichler-Forde
    Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 18:48:14 -0700
    From: Jeff Schwilk <[email protected]>


    Awww, is poor widdle Debbie gonna cry? You, Miss Goon mole, calling us "keyboard commandos". That's rich!

    Put a fork in JGMMP. Its done! Even Tony's buddy Gustavo knows that! (see Gus' blog on his own article)

    Tom Tancredo called me an "email warrior" last Saturday in his speech (you can see it on youtube). I've always prefered just "Warrior". If Pvt. Gilchrist had stayed in the Marine Corps more than one little tour, he might have become a warrior too. Instead he's just another punk with PTSD. LMAO!

    Its been fun the past year watching MMP self-destruct and implode. We all knew you would.

    We're alreadly lining up great guests for next year's giant SoCal Patriot Fest. We'll send you pictures after the event as usual....

    ----- Original Message -----

    To: Jeff Schwilk
    Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:09 PM
    Subject: Re: Gilchrist-Eichler-Forde

    Like what? You are a bully and a cowardly keyboard commando. What are you doing do? Send more emails?

    Jeff Schwilk wrote:

    Excellent points C---

    We'll believe it when we see it from the Gilchrist camp above.

    Time will tell if Gilchrist can ever stop running his mouth and lying to the media about Chelene and other Patriots and having his "hit men" like NAME DELETED sending out malicious lies to the media including la raza and left-wing media. Accusing Tom Tancredo of working with Shawna Forde was an all-time low for the Gilchrist Mafia. Not to mention Gil and Eichler need to stop filing false and malicious lawsuits against Chelene, Barb, Brook, and others. The whole world has watched his childish behavior.

    2 years of constant attacks by Gilchrist and his close associates. Everyone was asking at our big party last Saturday, who in the Hell does Gilchrist work for to attack our entire movement with such vicious and obvious lies? Has everyone seen that sewer "message board" that is posted on the MMP website? No wonder MMP donations are down so much. No sane American would ever follow these freaks or join their group.

    He is absolutely hated now in the Patriot movement nationwide and has become completely irrelevant. He is considered a goon (just like Enrique) by thousands of Patriots who used to follow him and respect him (including me) in SoCal and nationwide.

    Fortunately, real American Patriots like Simcox, Pulido, Nightingale, and others are ignoring all this crap with the Shawna Forde murders and other MMP drama and just stepping up to run for office and working to save our nation.

    To the real Patriots on this list above, carry on with your individual activism!

    To the Gilly Goons, GROW UP or suffer more severe consequences for your attacks, lies, and despicable actions!


    • ```````````````````````````````````````
      Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 11:20 PM. Reason: `


      • I've got some of this type of mail from Jeff too,

        I was hoping he would change his tune a little after his sidekick left the spotlight of Save Our State, but it looks as though that may not be the case. It's still early though. I'm still holding out hope that Jeff will turn around a little. It was my belief that most of this type of antagonism was due to you-know-who's influence.


        • ```````````````````````````````
          Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 11:18 PM. Reason: `


          • I see,

            I don't know him really. If he was this way prior to her influence than maybe you're right.


            • ``````````````````````````````````
              Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 11:20 PM. Reason: `


              • Originally posted by sandinator
                I by no means know him personally, but I have seen plenty of his antics and as you probably already know it is bad news all the way. We could well do without this loose cannon. Too bad psychotics like schwik and those of his ilk wouldn't just join the pro illegal movement.... things would be easy sailing after that.
                He doesn't sound like he's a psychotic open borders fanatic. He may be psychotic though. He has had some decent projects like the freeway clean up signs and a few others, so his detrimental qualities may be closer to megalomania. I've not heard from him a couple weeks, but he did instigate the last few go arounds by sending me an email similar to the one BorderWatch posted


                • Things seem to be shattering like broken glass, with people on the sidelines cheering it on. No one wins with this stuff, but it does give some a feeling of entertainment. It's just a matter of time before I'll become a target. Sad really, when there is so much else we could be doing.

                  AG, you just stay focused. You'll get the job done while others will still be jibbering babble. Let's just wait and see if some in the movement are willing to put this crap to rest.


                  • I am not sure anything more is shattering than a cartel of egomaniacs,

                    It may end up being the best thing for the movement in the long run. I don't know if you're aware of just how much goes on in the email. Us not discussing it on a forum won't stop that. It never did. I don't see this as much entertainment as relieving and enlightening. Before we just had a bunch of people talking behind other peoples backs. Not something I care for anymore. Forbidden subjects and secret chambers only seem to have been useful to keep some very undeserving individuals in a position of power. Maybe we'll do better as a federation of individuals as opposed to a few secular groups.


                    • ```````````````````````````
                      Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 11:17 PM. Reason: `


                      • ``````````````````````````````````
                        Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 11:16 PM. Reason: `


                        • Originally posted by sandinator
                          Why would you become a target?

                          This sounds like more drama.
                          Just put it to rest.


                          • ``````````````````````````````````
                            Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 11:17 PM. Reason: `


                            • Originally posted by sandinator
                              Please do bunky.
                              Did I call you a name? This has nothing to do with being politically correct, it has to do with being a bit more professional. And please don't use being politically correct as an excuse with someone who disagrees with you.


                              • `````````````````````````````````````
                                Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 11:16 PM. Reason: `

