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Save Our State To Rise Again

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  • Save Our State To Rise Again

    Greetings Fellow Former Save Our State Members,

    I'm going to make several announcements over the next few weeks in regards to Joe Turner's Save Our State.

    First announcement is, Joseph Turner let the Save Our State corporation get suspended by the California Secretary of State which administers corporations in California. In order to keep a California corporation active, it's chairpersons, directors, or president must make yearly filings. These were not done, and in fact were long overdue.

    With the corporation in suspension, I applied for, and received Save Our State. My name is now the name on record of control of the Corporation Save Our State. You may view the current and future documents as we progress in relation to this here:

    Save Our State will be operated in a legitimate manner from this point forward. All legal filings will be made in a timely manner, and those required to be made publicly available for review will also be done in a timely manner.

    Save Our State will choose officers, a governing board, and an advisory board to the corporation as required by law, and operated in an above board manner from this point forward.

    The second portion of the Save Our State Corporation is the Charitable 501c3 status. I have researched the filings that Joe Turner either has, or has not made in relation to the charitable status of the organization, and thus far the California Attorney General's office has been unable to find where Joe Turner had complied with any filings necessary to enable him to call Save Our State a charitable corporation in California.
    I am continuing my research into this matter, as I believe it is important to disclose to those people who donated or were swayed by a stated charitable status to volunteer goods or services, that those efforts, goods, or services were given to a legitimate charitable corporation.
    At this time, I am making filings to properly obtain Save Our State's charitable status as a 501c3 Charitable corporation from both the federal, and state government. Once again, you will be able to follow our progress on the link provided above. At this time, we are not soliciting donations.

    The Attorney General's office has a link for anyone to guide them when giving to a charity:

    As you may know, the website is still operating under who-knows-who's direction. In addition, the Save Our website continues to advertise they are a Charitable California 501c3 corporation, and are soliciting donations.
    see this link:

    We do not know who is the beneficiary of those solicitations. At present we are contacting the representatives listed to notify them they are infringing upon Save Our State's corporate entity.

    Again, there will be more on this as we progress. We are continuing our investigation into the past operations of Save Our State, its' corporate officers, and its managing director in an effort to clear the respectable members, or disclose any improprieties. We hope to restore a once proud and recognized name in the immigration law enforcement movement in California, and regain the trust of those who have been active in that regard.


    Davi Anthony Rodrigues
    Save Our State
    PO Box 160965
    Sacramento, CA 95816-0965
    [email protected]
    Last edited by AyatollahGondola; 10-09-2009, 09:59 AM.

  • #2
    Geeese, who would have guessed


    • #3
      WOW!!! I wasn't aware of all that.


      • #4
        This comes as really good news! I'm glad somebody was able to save the "state", as it's been dying on the vine for some time. I miss the old SOS, and hopefully it can return to its glory days. I'm looking forward to becoming active in it again. Thanks for the post AG, and we'll be in touch.
        Last edited by LAPhil; 10-10-2009, 11:01 AM.
        Open Borders And Mass Amnesty


        • #5
          Great news.

          Can we expect an hysterical sticky note post at the SOS website along with a mass email campaign denouncing government infiltrators, trouble makers, traitors, mechista moles, the banned horde, and ingrates in general??????????


          • #6
            I knew a long time ago this was going to happen. Joe was aware of it too, but from what I understand he let it go on purpose. He is basically done with SOS and so are many others. This shouldnt surprise any of you really. Best of luck.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ilbegone
              Great news.

              Can we expect an hysterical sticky note post at the SOS website along with a mass email campaign denouncing government infiltrators, trouble makers, traitors, mechista moles, the banned horde, and ingrates in general??????????
              Well, I have no idea what to expect this time. I suspect we'll get some negative feedback from those who "believe" a lot more than they "research". We'll proceed in a proper fashion on this.

              I miss the old SOS, and hopefully it can return to its glory days. I'm looking forward to becoming active in it again. Thanks for the post AG, and we'll be in touch.

              Phil, I know what you mean. Believe me. However there will need to be a cultural shift in the way SOS conducts itself. We have to start living within the rules of Charitable corporations for one. We can still hold rallies and protests, but we'll have to do it within the legal boundaries set by IRS, and FTB, and Secretary of State. I believe people will respect us more if we do so though, and we may end up accomplishing more than just glory


              • #8
                Originally posted by AmericanPatriot77
                I knew a long time ago this was going to happen. Joe was aware of it too, but from what I understand he let it go on purpose. He is basically done with SOS and so are many others. This shouldnt surprise any of you really. Best of luck.
                I think I would have had more respect for Joe had he been above board in "letting it go" as you say. There are legal steps one takes to close up a charitable corp. If he's done any, he sure has been secretive about it. I've never really cared for the culture of secrecy and ambiguity that was so pervasive in his administration of SOS.


                • #9
                  Good for you AG. That gang over there (don't remember who) accused me of being a spy for FBIS. Every intelligent poster here and there know that is a lot of garbage. As far as I know AZ and the blonde No Brain seem to be in charge. The so called managment there are about the most dumb people I have ever met. I had a very nasty post there by blondee to me calling me " An old hag and how stupid I am".

                  She even called me a Bitch and told me that I was on offical notice, if I don't like it there to leave. I wanted to post it here but I had been running out of hard drive space and things were not posting good. I know it is old garbage now but when I catch up on things I will post it here. Not sure I will be able to get it though because some of my things are missing after the repair.
                  Good luck and I hope everyone here will keep it civil even when we disagree, we are not supposed to agree on everything. I want to know what others think but remember I have to be me also.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rim05
                    Good for you AG. That gang over there (don't remember who) accused me of being a spy for FBIS. Every intelligent poster here and there know that is a lot of garbage. As far as I know AZ and the blonde No Brain seem to be in charge. The so called managment there are about the most dumb people I have ever met. I had a very nasty post there by blondee to me calling me " An old hag and how stupid I am".

                    She even called me a Bitch and told me that I was on offical notice, if I don't like it there to leave. I wanted to post it here but I had been running out of hard drive space and things were not posting good. I know it is old garbage now but when I catch up on things I will post it here. Not sure I will be able to get it though because some of my things are missing after the repair.
                    Good luck and I hope everyone here will keep it civil even when we disagree, we are not supposed to agree on everything. I want to know what others think but remember I have to be me also.

                    Another culture I hope to change is using the website as a weapon to support personal agendas and silence the views of those who don't quite agree. That ban button was too widely used, and improperly I might add in relation to a person's membership.
                    By the way, the new forum is not working yet, but I am hoping to have a solution to that within the week.


                    • #11
                      Yippee, woo hoo, and good for you. Maybe we can say what we think and feel like we should? I gave a few bucks to SOS over the last years. I believed in it, as a voice and as an instrument, "for the mission", not for personal vendettas. I wondered why I stopped receiving a form for the IRS to show my contributions? Except for that first year, I did not.

                      We have all made some mistakes and we should not have to be scolded or reminded of them over and over again.

                      RIMO, it hurts me to hear what you were called over there. But then, I have been accused of being a skin-head, sheet wearing racist there, too. Small minds, small perceptions, I guess. Sticks and stones. Some people just have to heave their garbage out onto others. Makes them feel better and superior, I assume.

                      AG, best wishes for success, "General."


                      • #12
                        I remember when I first joined SOS. It was right after the first big illegal alien marches across the country. I was so in the dark, that's what happens when you watch the MSM, and was so shocked to turn on the TV to see the SOB's marching in the streets DEMANDING rights they were not entitled to. I was on a MB and asked what the heck was going on and a woman told me about Wake Up America and Mark Edwards. I have to tell you, that as a native Californian, I was shocked. I had partially bought into that saying "they are only here for a better life". I thought "OK, if that is why they are here why are they trashing my country?".

                        I spent most of my young years overseas. But I was born in Van Nuys and my grandparents had a home in No Hollywood. I left CA in 1977 and moved to Houston and then to FL. I returned to CA in 1988 and decided to drive by the old house and was I in for a big culture shock. No Hollywood looked like a mexican hell hole. Sadly enough, I still didn't get it. The newspapers and MSM weren't telling the American people the truth.

                        Anyway, back you SOS. After reading at Mark Edwards site there was a link to SOS. OMG, I was so impressed. I thought to myself that here were people that were actually getting out and doing something. I joined SOS and my first protest was outside of Channel 11 Fox studios. I got to finally meet the Sam the lawyer that I had been going around and around with on the board. Hee hee, he turned out to me a nice guy. We were friends after that.

                        Sigh, those were the good ol' days. I remember the old crowd and we all seemed to get along so good. Even though I lived in AZ I came to as many protests/rallys as possible.


                        • #13
                          As I look over this board it seems as if we've all found a new home here. All the board software is the same as it was at SOS, and there are all the same forum topics and then some. Will SOS and FBIS be merged now because of the new developments, or how is this going to play out?
                          Last edited by LAPhil; 10-10-2009, 06:23 PM.
                          Open Borders And Mass Amnesty



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by LAPhil
                            As I look over this board it seems as if we've all found a new home here. All the board software is the same as it was at SOS, and there are all the same forum topics and then some. Will SOS and FBIS be merged now because of the new developments, or how is this going to play out?
                            No, there will be a separate website/forum. I've already got the site, and have someone working on getting it up.
                            It will be :


                            If you go there now, you'll see we haven't been able to capture the old forum database in there, but I think it will happen. We cannot comingle this one and that one, plus I don't really want to give up my home here in case you guys vote me off the island after it gets up and running. I'll need a place I can always call my own.


                            • #15
                              How will the two sites be different?
                              Open Borders And Mass Amnesty


