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Save Our State To Rise Again

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  • #16
    Let me know when it's up and running.


    • #17
      Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
      Greetings Fellow Former Save Our State Members,

      I'm going to make several announcements over the next few weeks in regards to Joe Turner's Save Our State.

      First announcement is, Joseph Turner let the Save Our State corporation get suspended by the California Secretary of State which administers corporations in California. In order to keep a California corporation active, it's chairpersons, directors, or president must make yearly filings. These were not done, and in fact were long overdue.

      With the corporation in suspension, I applied for, and received Save Our State. My name is now the name on record of control of the Corporation Save Our State. You may view the current and future documents as we progress in relation to this here:

      Save Our State will be operated in a legitimate manner from this point forward. All legal filings will be made in a timely manner, and those required to be made publicly available for review will also be done in a timely manner.

      Save Our State will choose officers, a governing board, and an advisory board to the corporation as required by law, and operated in an above board manner from this point forward.

      The second portion of the Save Our State Corporation is the Charitable 501c3 status. I have researched the filings that Joe Turner either has, or has not made in relation to the charitable status of the organization, and thus far the California Attorney General's office has been unable to find where Joe Turner had complied with any filings necessary to enable him to call Save Our State a charitable corporation in California.
      I am continuing my research into this matter, as I believe it is important to disclose to those people who donated or were swayed by a stated charitable status to volunteer goods or services, that those efforts, goods, or services were given to a legitimate charitable corporation.
      At this time, I am making filings to properly obtain Save Our State's charitable status as a 501c3 Charitable corporation from both the federal, and state government. Once again, you will be able to follow our progress on the link provided above. At this time, we are not soliciting donations.

      The Attorney General's office has a link for anyone to guide them when giving to a charity:

      As you may know, the website is still operating under who-knows-who's direction. In addition, the Save Our website continues to advertise they are a Charitable California 501c3 corporation, and are soliciting donations.
      see this link:

      We do not know who is the beneficiary of those solicitations. At present we are contacting the representatives listed to notify them they are infringing upon Save Our State's corporate entity.

      Again, there will be more on this as we progress. We are continuing our investigation into the past operations of Save Our State, its' corporate officers, and its managing director in an effort to clear the respectable members, or disclose any improprieties. We hope to restore a once proud and recognized name in the immigration law enforcement movement in California, and regain the trust of those who have been active in that regard.


      Davi Anthony Rodrigues
      Save Our State
      PO Box 160965
      Sacramento, CA 95816-0965
      [email protected]

      I have been out of the cyber-world for about a week due to a recent move. This is great news. I wonder how this is playing on the board that shall not be named.

      Good luck, AG!


      • #18
        Hello everybody, KJL is actually Jeanfromfillmore. I logged in here months ago while I was still part of SOS but didn't want Mike or Blondee to be aware of my interest in this board. SOS has been going down hill for well over a year now, but I thought I could bring some of the purged members back and draw some interest in participating again. As you know, the old leadership would never consider saving SOS if it meant their not having their way.

        We can still save it and restore it to a respectable organization now.


        • #19
          Originally posted by LAPhil
          How will the two sites be different?
          Well, for instance, FBIS has always been relative to issues and topics that affected Sacramento city and County primarily, whereas Save Our State is to focus on statewide issues. FBIS has no connection to a charitable corp, or any corp for that matter. The website software will be the same; Just a newer version of it, and we'll have more restriction as to what we can publish on SOS. FBIS is kind of like the badlands in regards to rules. I've mainly just tried to do the minimum to keep from being sued for libel, or not break the law. But operating a charitable corp is going to require a bit more restraint and focus. I think challenges like that are good overall, and a little structure is not going to kill us. Certainly if we can demand illegals obey the rules, we can set an example.
          Just to clarify though; It doesn't mean we have to humble ourselves before political scum, fraudulent employers, or foreign invaders. We will just learn how to say things that get the idea across without running afoul of charitable protocols. Hell, if MALDEF can do it, we can too. They've managed to become a force in advocating for their (Fill in the blank here) and still insult the lot of us in the process. They've done allright with the 501c3 vehicle thus far.


          • #20
            Originally posted by PochoPatriot

            I have been out of the cyber-world for about a week due to a recent move. This is great news. I wonder how this is playing on the board that shall not be named.

            Good luck, AG!
            You moved? Tell us you're still a Californian......


            • #21
              Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
              You moved? Tell us you're still a Californian......
              Alas, we are still in California, but no longer in Los Angeles proper.

              We had to relocate quickly due to some serious economic challenges Mrs. P and I are facing. Everything is fine now. Just regrouping.


              • #22
                Originally posted by PochoPatriot
                Alas, we are still in California, but no longer in Los Angeles proper.

                We had to relocate quickly due to some serious economic challenges Mrs. P and I are facing. Everything is fine now. Just regrouping.
                If your economy is anything like mine, You have my sympathies


                • #23
                  Originally posted by kjl
                  Hello everybody, KJL is actually Jeanfromfillmore. I logged in here months ago while I was still part of SOS but didn't want Mike or Blondee to be aware of my interest in this board. SOS has been going down hill for well over a year now, but I thought I could bring some of the purged members back and draw some interest in participating again. As you know, the old leadership would never consider saving SOS if it meant their not having their way.

                  We can still save it and restore it to a respectable organization now.
                  Hey Jean, I was just wondering where you were keeping yourself these days or if you knew about this site. I agree with you about SOS and I think everyone's pretty much had it with that organization such as it is right now. I hope we never again see the kind of internal bickering and cutthroat tactics that we saw over there. Some people apparently can't disagree without labelling each other goons or traitors. There's just too much at stake for that kind of foolishness. I'm sort of repeating what I said to you in my last e-mail, but I don't think it can be emphasized enough. Anyway, good to see you (so to speak) again.
                  Open Borders And Mass Amnesty



                  • #24
                    Is Mike still the webmaster (or whatever they call themselves) at SOS? I haven't talked to him in ages.


                    • #25
                      Save Our State

                      I would always get a receipt at the end of the year that I could write my donations off on my taxes.

                      I know other people wrote off their expenses as well.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jinx
                        Is Mike still the webmaster (or whatever they call themselves) at SOS? I haven't talked to him in ages.
                        seems to be. He stopped communicating with me for the most part, after Chelene evicted me, and brought him back. He was one of her whipping boys just prior to that.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by borderwatch
                          I would always get a receipt at the end of the year that I could write my donations off on my taxes.

                          I know other people wrote off their expenses as well.
                          You got them from Save Our State?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                            seems to be. He stopped communicating with me for the most part, after Chelene evicted me, and brought him back. He was one of her whipping boys just prior to that.

                            He had left SOS? How come?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by jinx
                              He had left SOS? How come?
                              Chelena had accused him of conspiring with Jim Gilchrist, telling lies, and some other trumped up charges.
                              But after knowing what she was capable of, he went crawling back to her. little hard for me to sympathize at this point


                              • #30
                                This is the one thing that's hard for me to deal with personally since Chelene and I were always really good friends. I never saw this other side of her and only found out about it through other people. I feel totally disillusioned and don't know how I would deal with her if I were to speak with or write to her again.
                                Open Borders And Mass Amnesty


