Today in the big public library of downtown Dallas, TX, I noted an announcement, in English and Spanish, that the library will be closed for the next holiday, Labor Day. However, the announcement didn't say only "Labor Day," it said "Labor Day/Cesar Chavez Day"! Since WHEN is OUR Labor Day CESAR CHAVEZ DAY?! It's TIME to STOP the HIJACKING of OUR national holidays!!!
No announcement yet.
STOP the HIJACKING of OUR Holidays!!!
Labor Day?
I suppose soon we will merge Memorial Day with Cinco de Mayo, and do away with July 4th, and all those stupid patriotic days. America is already being shut down for aliens.
What next celebrating Osama Bin Laden birthday, close all Christian churches and Jewish Temples, so as to not annoy Muslims.
If we do not stand up and be counted, we will be left of of the count. '
I'm tired of being called Racist, because I want to protect our heritage.
I'm hard to get along with, when I'm being put down for being White Male American. I won't back down, until we can be proud to be called Americans again.Comment
think about this one fellow citizens ??? Cinco de Mayo is it a true Mexican holiday ????????? do the citizens of Mexico or I should say, do the citizens throughout Mexico celebrate this holiday ?????? , or is this holiday an American made up holiday to blend our cultures together ?????
How many American citizens even know what cinco de mayo stands for,
or what the event even was ???? , and a good question how many Mexicans truly know what Cinco de Mayo is ?????
and I agree when are we going to stand up for our rights ??? and put a stop to this political correctness from the far left liberal courts, and letting are Elite politically correct politicians take away our country, that we have bought with the blood of our ancestors ???????
Cinco de Mayo is indeed a Mexican holiday, but it's not really celebrated in Mexico. I believe that Cinco de Mayo is pushed in America as an American born Mechista selective interpretation of Mexican culture, as well as the beverage companies making coin on the "any excuse for a party" syndrome.
It was in the beginning of the French occupation of Mexico, which was to facilitate installing a puppet Habsburg prince in search of a throne as emperor of Mexico at the invite of Mexican conservatives who wanted a return to pre 1821 European monarchy.
The French General was arrogantly overconfident and underestimated both his opponents and the terrain. Instead of the requisite bombardment of two forts on high ground held by a Mexican force consisting of many armed only with Machetes.
General Lorencez made three tries at bayonette charges, expecting to carry the battle with the French version of eager courage. His men were caught in the crossfire between the two forts and mowed down. Then a blinding rainstorm forced a French retreat with what was left of the 6000 man force back to Orizbaba with with a rag tag Mexican cavalry attacking his flanks. A 6th of the French force perished in the Bayonette charges.
It was a French defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.
The French reached the Rio Grande by 1865, almost pushing what was left of unelected Mexican President Benito Juarez and his few remaining followers into the United States, while disorganized local guerilla raids spread the 30,000 strong French army thin.
The United States finished it's civil war, and began flexing the Monroe Doctrine, The war was draining the French treasury, the war was unpopular in France, possible continental war diverted French attention, and the French Army had completely departed Mexico by March of 1867. The would be "Emperor" Ferdinand Maximillian was abandoned, didn't run to save his skin, and was executed by firing squad as a message to any other potential invaders. Viewing the body, Juarez's only comment was "he had short legs".
Maximillian was a failure due to the fact that he was invited by Mexican conservatives, but was more liberal than Juarez, whom the conservatives hated. And, he was not Mexican. Maximillian entirely any support he may have had in his venture by attempting to rule according to progressive European manner rather than being the authotarian Caudillo that Latin American culture demands.
The Cinco de Mayo Battle of Puebla was a Mexican victory achieved only by a French self defeat. And, the French were not driven out out of Mexico by "Mexican forces" by any means.
Cinco de Mayo is used by Aztlanistas in the same manner as they contrived the embellished pro-illegal myth of Cesar Chavez. There needs to be something to rally around and be proud of to stimulate a cause, and if something isn't good enough, it can be made that way with propaganda.Last edited by ilbegone; 08-21-2009, 01:53 PM.Comment
New Holiday
How about a holiday to honor every disenfranchised racial & ethnic minority that has ever lived in the United States? Maybe we can have it on Election Day or Tax Day?Comment
I would like to apologize for my incomplete sentences in the post above.
For example, the part dealing with many armed only with machetes is incomplete concerning the battle of May 5th, 1862.
There were enough firearms on the Mexican side to repulse the French charges without a preparatory French bombardment. However, there was a hastily gathered mob which was minimally armed with whatever was at hand (such as machetes) in addition to those with firearms. If the French General had bombarded the forts, I believe he would have carried the day.
However, his arrogance cost his troops dearly.
The point is still that the Mexican "win" was due only French arrogance, otherwise the Mexican contingent would have had their asses handed to them. Sort of like a game of pool where slop counts.Last edited by ilbegone; 08-22-2009, 05:11 PM.Comment
THANK YOU ilbegoine, and you are right about Cinco de Mayo, point I was trying to make, it is only a local holiday in that part of Mexico, it is not a national holiday.
It's more them soft drinks companies or bigger beer companies that are trying to make a buck, It is being promoted and
used as a weapon to indoctrinate us into a new culture and lifestyle, and in doing this they are taking our sovereignty away.Comment