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Minute Men Rally in Victorville, CA on 7/11/2009

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  • #61
    Originally posted by BluHaven

    So what's the big woop-dee-doo? Who cares who's at the top? Sadly some of those "at the top" have destroyed the foundation.
    And I sincerely hope that was just a coincidence.

    I'm with you, Blu. I thought the clear beginnings were back during 187 days too, but I've discovered roots dating back to 80's. Obviously there had to be, or we would not have had the previous amnesty during Reagans era. Just imagine what some of those earlier patriots think when they read something like this:
    I am just tired of the hijackers of this movement like M. Stuart and those others criticizing the very person who first helped bring national awareness to immigration issue (not over looking G. Spencer, Gillchrist's friend and ally). Gilchrist's idea's are the reason you have an organization and despite the fact that they haven't seen others (M. Stuart and those others) appear on national radio or TV in God knows how long others (M. Stuart and those others) keep talking crap.
    OK, I get that you think highly of Jim, and that you see the immigration effort through his eyes. To each, his or her own.

    By the way, we all have differing ideas about the mix of personalities in the effort. I think highly of Barbara Coe for her persistence and dedication, but Pocho mentioned he thought a bit differently of her. No worries on that. We both may end up being right, and maybe no. The concern for me is, that we don't start fighting amongs ourselves over our choices and end up turning on one another like some wannabe gang bangers do with each other over a raiders game.
    Last edited by AyatollahGondola; 07-24-2009, 09:56 PM.


    • #62
      Hijacked Topic

      Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 10:42 PM. Reason: ~


      • #63
        Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 10:42 PM. Reason: `


        • #64
          Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 10:43 PM. Reason: `


          • #65
            Thanks for the video,

            Robin has always impressed me with her constant activism. I sure they listened to her.


            • #66
              Last edited by sandinator; 08-03-2009, 10:43 PM. Reason: `


              • #67
                Originally posted by liberty belle
                Kathy 58 is the ONLY intelligent human being left on SOS. What a surprise. You didn't get along with her. Perhaps she's Tony..... that's the only reasonable response for someone not agreeing with every word you utter.

                Not true. There are other explanations why people voice opinions that differ from my own. I've seen it happen on a number of occasions and I studied the topic quite a bit, a couple years ago, after I saw this phenomenon manifest itself a few times. Based upon my studies, I've found several reasons why people openly disagree with me. The following is an exhaustive list I compiled. It covers all instances of someone not reaching the same conclusion I have when they aren't Tony:

                The person is:

                1. Attacking SOS and attempting to start trouble.

                2. A provocateur, traitor or mole trying to hurt The Movement.

                3. A fake patriot uninterested in combating illegal immigration and solely concerned with seeking glory.

                4. An operative of the Obama Administration attempting to draw attention away from the president's unlawful residency in the United States.

                5. A goon in league with Jim Gilchrist and Indymedia (which becomes immediately apparent to any person who bothers to connect the dots).
                Last edited by; 07-27-2009, 06:42 AM.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by sandinator
                  Here is some of the oppositon:

                  YouTube - Whiney Person Speaks

                  When she says I may be young and I may not know much, I find it difficult to argue with her.
                  Last edited by; 07-27-2009, 04:34 AM.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by
                    Not true. There are other explanations why people voice opinions that differ from my own. I've seen it happen on a number of occasions and I studied the topic quite a bit, a couple years ago, after I saw this phenomenon manifest itself a few times. Based upon my studies, I've found several reasons why people openly disagree with me. The following is an exhaustive list I compiled. It covers all instances of someone not reaching the same conclusion I have when they aren't Tony:

                    The person is:

                    1. Attacking SOS and attempting to start trouble.

                    2. A provocateur, traitor or mole trying to hurt The Movement.

                    3. A fake patriot uninterested in combating illegal immigration and solely concerned with seeking glory.

                    4. An operative of the Obama Administration attempting to draw attention away from the president's unlawful residency in the United States.

                    5. A goon in league with Jim Gilchrist and Indymedia (which becomes immediately apparent to any person who bothers to connect the dots).
                    You left out the one about them being a Neocon.


                    • #70
                      I was really glad that Robin and all were there to talk some sense to the city council over the emotional liars that spout the anarchist agenda. If the opposition is so interested in helping 'the poor illegals'; let them sell everything they own here and to the other side of the border to help the millions sneaking over from here. They won't because they are just spewing crap they learned from other left wing radical propadandists. You never see them in the food banks, homeless shelters or at the medical clinics. It's grandstanding smoke screen of B$ for the listening crowds.

                      Originally posted by
                      Not true. There are other explanations why people voice opinions that differ from my own. I've seen it happen on a number of occasions and I studied the topic quite a bit, a couple years ago, after I saw this phenomenon manifest itself a few times. Based upon my studies, I've found several reasons why people openly disagree with me. The following is an exhaustive list I compiled. It covers all instances of someone not reaching the same conclusion I have when they aren't Tony:

                      The person is:

                      1. Attacking SOS and attempting to start trouble.

                      2. A provocateur, traitor or mole trying to hurt The Movement.

                      3. A fake patriot uninterested in combating illegal immigration and solely concerned with seeking glory.

                      4. An operative of the Obama Administration attempting to draw attention away from the president's unlawful residency in the United States.

                      5. A goon in league with Jim Gilchrist and Indymedia (which becomes immediately apparent to any person who bothers to connect the dots).
                      It's very strange that someone would go through all the trouble to study and rationalize how people attack their opinions here.
                      No aggressive matters should be inferred toward anyone here. I hope we are not getting upset for sharing polite opinions here.
                      "I really hope we aren't punishing members here for posting their honest opinions. That would be a bad precident to set. *Activists, who routinely point out corruptions outwardly with govt entities, also should be the very first to point out 'inside' org leadership corruptions."


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by cowboycode
                        It's very strange that someone would go ....
                        Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                        You left out ...

                        Why are you two trying so hard to stir the pot? I'm afraid you're confusing a lot of members lately. You've been acting more like goons than patriots these past few days. I've received so many PM's from patriots asking why you're attacking Save Our State with your provocations. Starting fights is not what this movement needs!!

                        I told you that I did an extensive study!! I hope in the future you will listen to the leaders and moderators of the movement. When they give you answers or warn you about people who cause problems - LISTEN!

                        We have to come together!! There's no time for this infighting you seem to want so badly!! Pick the right side and unite as one with us or get out because Joe won't stand for this!!!


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by
                          Why are you two trying so hard to stir the pot? I'm afraid you're confusing a lot of members lately. You've been acting more like goons than patriots these past few days. I've received so many PM's from patriots asking why you're attacking Save Our State with your provocations. Starting fights is not what this movement needs!!

                          I told you that I did an extensive study!! I hope in the future you will listen to the leaders and moderators of the movement. When they give you answers or warn you about people who cause problems - LISTEN!

                          We have to come together!! There's no time for this infighting you seem to want so badly!! Pick the right side and unite as one with us or get out because Joe won't stand for this!!!
                          Ha! Canned Nightingale. Just add water, stir, and bring to a full boil


                          • #73
                            Why are YOU two trying so hard to stir the pot?

                            Originally posted by
                            Why are you two trying so hard to stir the pot? I'm afraid you're confusing a lot of members lately. You've been acting more like goons than patriots these past few days.
                            (snipped for brevity)
                            Pick the right side and unite as one with us or get out because Joe won't stand for this!!!
                            Maybe this should have been taken by PM but since 'Derail' decided to bring this up in public, I should allowed to respond in a like way...I'm sorry of this is dull and not as humorous as his cynical instigator's jibes, but here it goes.

                            ("Joe' ???? Oh gawd...not 'Turner' that bailed out and gave his org to Nightingale to kill ???? LMAO.)

                            Without accepting your false premise....Everyone has the ability to comment and give their opinions on others postings just like the rest of the FBIS members here.
                            Congrats...You have already got the other object of your agressive harrassing comments Liberty Belle banned that you started and finished. Hardly a triumph of justice for this discussion forums. You instigated that matter and you should have shared her fate for just fairness sake.
                            Now since I find that action wrong, you are now going after me like her, too. Readers can see who is agressively bickering and who is simply defensively commenting on matters other start. Agressive personal attacks like yours should never be allowed but strangely are allowed....favoritism ?!!??

                            I find that two-faced and destructive to this forum. But I guess the obvious troll('Derail) wrongfully left standing as a member here is the winner in these forums. That is very sad and a injustice and a mockery of this forum.

                            Ask yourself: Why are you two trying so hard to stir the pot? I'm afraid you're confusing a lot of members lately. You've been acting more like goons than patriots these past few days. Then try to come to me....

                            (This all is a personal direct attack on me, just like 'jeanfromfilmore' and the many other SOS folks members personal aggressive posts here against others who are not SOS cheerleaders here. NICE, huh?)

                            PM's are the bomb !!!!
                            Last edited by cowboycode; 07-30-2009, 06:21 PM. Reason: errors fixed
                            No aggressive matters should be inferred toward anyone here. I hope we are not getting upset for sharing polite opinions here.
                            "I really hope we aren't punishing members here for posting their honest opinions. That would be a bad precident to set. *Activists, who routinely point out corruptions outwardly with govt entities, also should be the very first to point out 'inside' org leadership corruptions."


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                              Ha! Canned Nightingale. Just add water, stir, and bring to a full boil
                              LOL....You're funny. Are you here all week? ?
                              maybe closer to the facts: Canned Davi 'AG' or Sam 'GeauxNOSaints' or 'SZinwestla' or "SOStv' or 'DerialAmnesty.Com'.


                              Maybe we should be discussing topic and issues and not other people. Like Victorville MM ?
                              No aggressive matters should be inferred toward anyone here. I hope we are not getting upset for sharing polite opinions here.
                              "I really hope we aren't punishing members here for posting their honest opinions. That would be a bad precident to set. *Activists, who routinely point out corruptions outwardly with govt entities, also should be the very first to point out 'inside' org leadership corruptions."


                              • #75
                                I notice this topic (that I started) is being hijacked by off topic comments.

                                Hey ref, how about cleaning up this topic and keeping only the comments relevant to the title as posts. I would appreciate it.


